Hello and welcome to Inspired By All The Little Things!
This is a weekly inspiration challenge blog and each week we
feature a wonderful designer who inspires us as an artist!

This is a weekly inspiration challenge blog and each week we
feature a wonderful designer who inspires us as an artist!

This week I have invited...
Jennifer and I have been online crafty friends for over five years now!
I can thank her for the stamp organizing system I use and I just love her crafty style.
Jennifer also just renovated her craft space and posted wonderful photos of it
on her blog -- you'll want to check it out!
I asked Jennifer to share a bit about herself...
1. What is the name of your blog? When and why did you start it?
My blog is named Maple Street Menagerie because I
live on Maple Street
and I liked the alliteration of it.
I just looked it up
and it seems my first post was way back on January 7, 2010. I
started it as a
way to enter challenges and share my creations with my crafty friends.
2. What is your style of card making?
I really gravitate toward
clean, simple and graphical.
I start to panic and second guess myself when I start putting on layers and
the white space starts to disappear.
I start to panic and second guess myself when I start putting on layers and
the white space starts to disappear.
3. Who inspires you as a designer?
Betsy Veldman for how she puts together colors and
overall card design,
Nichol Spohr for her fun scenes, and Laura Bassen and
Cristina Kowalczyk for their clean and simple designs.
4. What sort of things inspire you as a card maker?
Photos? Sketches? Other designers?
Photos? Sketches? Other designers?
I have a rather large Pinterest board of cards that
have caught my eye.
Sometimes it’s a technique, a layout, a color scheme, or a
I also find it helpful when my mojo is lacking to grab a sketch or other
piece and just start with that and see where it takes me.
5. Share something about yourself that we may not know?
Way back in high school my mom would pack my lunch.
One day she forgot to include a spoon with my little container of applesauce.
But, being the resourceful girl I am, I used my Fritos to scoop up the
To this day I love dipping Fritos in applesauce – it’s just the
perfect combination of sweet + salty!
Here is Jennifer's card using this week's inspiration:
The challenge designers have also created a card for this week's inspiration!
These ladies just inspire me SO much!!! I hope you will play along with us this week!
We would love to have you join us!
Kimberly Lackenbach
Silke Ledlow
Wanda Cullen
And lastly, here's the card that I made using
the inspiration photo:
We hope you will play along with us!
The linky will close on Friday, May 5, 2017 at 11:55am. (PST)
Some simple rules to keep things organized and enjoyable:
- Please use the graphic for your post and link back to this post.
- Any posts that are offensive will be removed.
- Please comment on the submissions of others...we all love the support!
- Yes you can combine with other challenges but NOT other inspiration challenges please.
- Have fun and challenge yourself!